
II Congreso de Ornitología de las Américas

Gramado, Brazil, August 1-4, 2023

This conference will bring together professional and amateur ornithologists from all over America and other parts of the world. We support the participation of new generations, providing them with opportunities to advance in their careers.

The theme of this year's conference will be

"Diversity of Voices in Bird Conservation."

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X Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical

Manaus, Brazil 2015

The Neotropical Ornithological Congress and Congresso Brasileiro de Ornitologia were separate events until 2015, when the two congresses were jointly held in Manaus, a city in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.

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Past Congresses

Please find materials from past congresses below for download:

II Simposio de Ornitología Neotropical Perú – This congress was organized by APECO independently of NOS.

I Congreso Iberoamericano de Ornitología Argentina

II Congreso Iberoamericano de Ornitología – Xalapa. No abstract book is currently available.

III Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical Colombia

IV Congreso Ornitología Neotropical Quito

V Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical Paraguay

VI Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical Mexico

VII Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical Chile

VIII Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical Venezuela

IX Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical Perú

X Congreso de Ornitología Neotropical – Manaus, Brazil